(Feature) Published to NPM and can be installed with npm install flipclock.(Bug Fix) Fixed a typo in the definition of the (unused by default) method getWeeks.(Bug Fix) Fixed typo in the definition of getWeeks, preventing its usage.(Bug Fix) Merge pull request #156 from laureanoendeiza/patch-1.(Bug Fix) Merge pull request #150 from charlesbaynham/Fix-modulus-for-getWeeks.Updated face.js, the "factory" was not being passed into the constructor, instead a typo was "factor". (Bug Fix) Fixed constructor bug passing "factory".(Bug Fix) Merge pull request #160 from rustygreen/patch-1.(Example) Added new interval callback example.(Bug Fix) Recompiled build and version.(Bug Fix) Fixed a Grunt compiling error and had to repackage the release (again).(Examples) Updated example to match all the new code changes.(Bug Fix) Removed leaky abstractions in FlipClock.Face.(Bug Fix) Removed leaky abstractions in FlipClock.List.(Bug Fix) Removed leaky abstractions in FlipClock.Time.(Bug Fix) Removed leaky abstractions in FlipClock.Timer.

(API) Renamed Twenty Four Hour Clock source file.(API) Added new event handling to all application objects instead of using callbacks in properties.

(API) Added new Flipclock.Uuid generator classes which is used for "cid", a unique id assigned to all objects created by FlipClock.This update is a major refactor and contains a few breaking API changes.